Digital Engineering

Product Development Lifecycle: Phases and Key Considerations

27 Mar
4 min

Product development means building up the new product, from the idea to launching the product in the market. Product development begins with those initial intercommunicating sessions where the idea of building the product is discussed. The project is creative and design based but strategic, and you have seen it done in a million different ways to make the product.

Let’s discuss its six steps and considerations to identify the quality and methods of directing the outcome.


# Step 1: Idea generation
Idea generation is the first step of product development; it’s the initial step to generating a new product idea. It is the stage where you can create the product based on customer and market needs, concept, research, and market research to launch a new product that helps people save time.


  • Target market: The target market is the consumer profile where you’re building your product for the people. Target those markets only where you can find your problem faced by people.
  • Existing product: when you have a new concept idea, verify that the same concept is not available. Do the existing products need to give proper solutions? Is your opinion different from the market? Your product should have a chance to become a competitive product in the market.
  • Functionality: While you do not need a detailed report of the product functionality, you should have a usual idea of what functions it will serve.
  • SWOT analysis: The SWOT analysis means the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the product; it helps the product be competitive in the market and creates space in the market gap.
  • SCAMPER method: SCAMPER means substituting, combining, adapting, modifying, placing, eliminating, or rearranging your product concept.

# Step 2: Product definition
Once you have completed the initial step of product development, idea generation, in which you follow all measures, the second step is product definition.


  • Business analysis: A concept that has to identify the development strategies of a product in the market, distribution strategies, and go into the depth of the competitor analysis.
  • Value proposition: The value proposition means that the product is solving which problem in the market, the requirement of the solution is needed, or the other competitors have that solution before we think.
  • Success metrics: It is essential to clarify the success metrics in the market before launching the product in average hierarchies for loops or other issues in the market.
  • Marketing strategy: After identifying the value proposition, brainstorming idea generation and success metrics of the product, start brainstorming the marketing strategy; how will you bring or launch the product in the market? How to attract the audience for this product? How to get popular in this market?

#Step 3: Prototyping
During the prototyping, the team will research and document the product to build the best business plan for development.


  • Feasibility analysis: This process is to evaluate your product strategy of the product based on feasibility.
  • Market risk research: It is essential to research the risk of the product so that the product will physically survive in the market or the product will be reliable and can become competitive in the market.
  • Development strategy: You have to plan the steps and heads of the department, which helps the company to develop the product.
  • MVP: The outcome of the product after prototyping of the product is a minimum viable product. Think of your MVP product as the key features that help launch your product in the market.

#Step 4: Initial design
In the initial design phase, project stakeholders work together to produce a mock-up of the product based on the MVP prototype. The design should be created with the target audience in mind and complement the critical functions of your product.


  • Source materials: The source material is vital in the initial design mock-up. This may require working with various wholesalers, vendors, or manufacturers ordering material from or creating your own.
  • Connecting with stakeholders: Building intimate communication with the holders is imperative to check the right path.
  • Receive initial feedback: when the product’s design is ready, ask seniors or stakeholders for honest feedback.

#Step 5: Validation and testing
To launch the product in the market before this, validate and test the product. Ensure that every part of the product is working, from development to marketing.

#Step 6: Commercialization
Now it’s time to commercialize your concept, launch the product in the market, and implement it on your website.

But now that you have finalized the product, tested it, and validated the product; you should feel confident about producing your final product.


The product development life cycle is still much more than these stages and considerations. So, to know everything about product development, ContactCodeEpsilon to get the best guidance and solutions.

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